No. |
2999 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
partial modification in Court’s Notification No. 2990/Admin.
(Services)/2023 dated
the designation
of Sri Ajay Vikram Singh be read as Special
Judge/Additional District & Sessions Judge, Special Court
C.B.I. (West),
in place of Special Judge/Additional District & Sessions Judge,
Special Court Anti-Corruption C.B.I. (West).
No. |
3000 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
In suppersession of Court’s Notification No. 2992/Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, Sri Brijesh Kumar Yadav, Additional District & Sessions Judge (Fast Track Court), Bareilly to be Additional District & Sessions Judge, Bareilly.
No. |
3001 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
Sri Nirdosh Kumar, Additional District & Sessions Judge, Bareilly to be Additional District & Sessions Judge (Fast Track Court), Bareilly for trying cases of crime against women.
No. |
3002 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
Sri Anuj Sinha, Additional Civil Judge (Junior Division), Ayodhya is appointed U/s 11(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) as Judicial Magistrate, First Class, Ayodhya.
No. |
3003 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
In partial modification in Court’s Notification No. 2607/Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, the place of posting of Sri Shailendra Nath, Civil Judge (Senior Division) (Fast Track Court), Auraiya be read as Civil Judge (Senior Division) (Fast Track Court), Barabanki.
No. |
3004 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
In suppersession of Court’s Notification No. 2688/Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, Smt. Archana-II, Civil Judge (Junior Division), Ghazipur is promoted and posted as Civil Judge (Senior Division) (Fast Track Court), Ghazipur.
No. |
3005 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
In suppersession of Court’s Notification No. 2541/Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, Sri Deependra Kumar Gupta, Secretary (Full Time), District Legal Services Authority, Ghazipur to be Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Ghazipur.
He is also appointed U/s 11(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) as Judicial Magistrate, First Class for trying cases relating to Economic Offences at Ghazipur.
No. |
3006 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
In suppersession of Court’s Notification No. 2561/Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, Sushri Neelam Saroj, Civil Judge (Senior Division ) (Fast Track Court), Bijnor to be Additional Civil Judge, Senior Division/ Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bijnor.
No. |
3007 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
Sri Anshuman Dhunna, Additional Civil Judge, Senior Division, Bijnor to be Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bijnor.
He is also appointed U/s 11(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) as Judicial Magistrate, First Class for trying cases relating to Economic Offences at Bijnor.
No. |
3008 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
Sri Jeevak Kumar Singh, Additional Civil Judge, Senior Division, Auraiya to be Chief Judicial Magistrate, Auraiya.
He is also appointed U/s 11(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) as Judicial Magistrate, First Class for trying cases relating to Economic Offences at Auraiya.
No. |
3009 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
In suppersession of Court’s Notification No. 2479/Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, Smt. Nidhi Shishodia, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Saharanpur to be Civil Judge, Senior Division, Auraiya.
No. |
3010 |
/Admin. (Services)/2023 |
In suppersession of Court’s Notification No. 2188/Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, Sri Tarkeshwari Prasad Singh, Civil Judge, Senior Division, Saharanpur to be Additional Civil Judge, Senior Division, Auraiya.
In continuation of Court’s endorsement nos. 767, 768 and 769 /Admin. (Services)/2023 dated 18.11.2023, copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
The Executive Chairman, U.P. State Legal Services Authority, Third Floor, Jawahar Bhawan Annexe, Lucknow-226001.
Pramukh Sachiv, Niyukti, U.P. Shasan, Lucknow with the request to relieve the Officers concerned, if any.
Pramukh Sachiv, Nyay Evam Vidhiparamarshi, Uttar Pradesh Shasan, Lucknow. (information available on E-mail).
The Special Secretary (Law) and Additional Legal Remembrancer, Government of U.P. Supreme Court (Legal Cell), III Floor, Bar Council of India Building, 21 Rouse Avenue Urdu Ghar Marg, New Delhi.
The Director, Institute of Judicial Training & Research, U.P., Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. (Information available on E-mail).
The Additional Director, Treasury, Camp Office, First Floor, New Treasury Building, Kutchery Road, Allahabad.
All the District & Sessions Judges, Principal Judges, Family Court and Presiding Officers, Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, District Judiciary of the State of U.P. (information available on E-mail).
The officers mentioned above shall handover charge of their present posts and shall proceed to take over charge of their new postings immediately or as per direction mentioned in D.O. Letter No. 35/Admin. (Services)/2022 dated 21.01.2022, if applicable.
The handing and taking over charge certificates may kindly be sent to the Deputy Registrar (Services), High Court, Allahabad forthwith.
The officers shall also mention therein personal ID no. allotted by the Court on the charge certificates.
Kindly refer to G.L. No. 27/Admin G-II dated 24.11.2021 wherein it has been directed that “District & Sessions Judges & Principal Judges of Family Courts to strictly ensure that no case remains pending in courts falling vacant on account of transfer etc. of presiding officers, unless the same is specifically barred.
That immediately upon handing over charge by the transferred Presiding Officer and the Court falling vacant as a result thereof, the staff attached to such vacant court be transferred to other courts/establishment.”
The representations of Judicial Officers of the cadres of Civil Judge (Junior Division), Civil Judge (Senior Division) and Higher Judicial Services whose request for premature/stay of transfer has not been allowed by the Hon’ble Court till date be treated as rejected and such officers, if desire, may send their representation for premature/stay of transfer in Annual Transfer-2024 in reference to Hon’ble Court’s Circular letter No. 28/Admin.(Services) dated 30.09.2023 through e-portal.
The Senior Registrar, High Court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow. (Through E-mail)
The Senior Registrar (Judicial) (Confidential), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Senior Registrar (Judicial) (Budget), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Registrar (Accounts), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Registrar (Judicial) (Inspection), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Joint Registrar (Judicial) (Computers), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Deputy Registrar (G), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Deputy Registrar (Admin Misc.-2), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Deputy Registrar (Conf. ‘B’ Section), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Assistant Registrar (Admin.A-3 Section), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Assistant Registrar (Admin. C Section), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Assistant Registrar (Admin. A-2 Section), High Court, Allahabad. (Through E-mail)
The Director, Printing & Stationary, U.P. Allahabad for publication of the notification in the next issue of the Gazette.
The Publication Secretary, U.P. Judicial Services Association Office, A-1, River Bank Judges Colony, Lucknow.
P.S. to Hon’ble Judges, with the request to place this notification before the Hon’ble Judges sitting at Allahabad & Lucknow for their Lordship’s kind perusal. (information available on E-mail)