
Following candidates who appeared in written examination for the post of Personal Assistant held on 29.07.2007 have been declared successful. Successful candidates shall be called for Stenography and Computer Proficiency Test which will be held on 19.01.2008. Intimation letters are being sent to successful candidates separately by post.


3 4 10 11 12 14 15 19 23 24

25 26 27 29 30 32 33 41 44 48

49 50 52 54 56 57 59 61 63 64

65 67 71 76 84 85 88 91 92 94

100 101 114 117 130 132 133 135 136 137

140 148 149 151 156 158 159 160 162 167

171 172 180 181 182 187 188 191 193 194

195 196 199 200 205 207 208 210 212 213

214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223

224 225 228 232 235 238 239 241 249 267

268 287 288 312 314 328 329 330 340 347

349 350 353 359 360 361 363 368 369 381

390 402 422 433 448 456 459 469 472 516

520 530 546 583 584 594 598 603 606 610

617 618 625 641 647 652 656 663 664 667

680 690 704 708 719 739 775 776 803 811

815 818 820 835 836 837 838 841 845 846

847 848 850 856 873 880 900 901 906 932

937 945 955 958 961 963 965 968 969 970

972 975 976 978 981 983 992 995 998 1005

1019 1022 1024 1038 1042 1044 1049 1051 1056 1058

1059 1064 1066 1067 1069 1076 1077 1078 1079 1094

1099 1104 1107 1124 1128 1129 1135 1144 1145 1147

1148 1151 1155 1157 1158 1159 1167 1169 1171 1183

1184 1189 1191 1198 1200 1203 1210 1211 1212 1213

1214 1216 1220 1224 1234 1235 1242 1258 1261 1266

1268 1272 1273 1274 1276 1285 1304 1306 1308 1313

1335 1337 1339 1340 1341 1345 1404 1418 1421 1431

1460 1497 1508 1519 1520 1526 1537 1543 1553 1586

1588 1603 1604 1624 1638 1655 1656 1691 1732 1736

1740 1749 1764 1765 1768 1772 1802


Total-307 Candidates