High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
Notice & Result
ADV. No. 03/AHC/eCourt Project/ 2017 dated 12.05.2017
Pursuant to the ADV. No. 03/AHC/eCourt Project/ 2017 dated 12.05.2017, stage-I written examination conducted on 23.06.2017. On the basis of written examination (Stage-I), result of shortlisted candidates has been declared. The result/candidature of shortlisted candidates is purely provisional. Results for the Contractual Senior Technical Officer, Senior Office Assistant/Technical Assistant, Senior Developer and Developer Examination- 2017 is here under :-
Click here to view the list of candidates declared successful in Stage-I for the Contractual Senior Technical Officer, Senior Office Assistant/Technical Assistant, Senior Developer and Developer Examination- 2017
Stage-II examination (Interview) for the above mentioend empanelment is scheduled to be held on 22.08.2017 at the Centre for Information Technology, in the premise of High Court, Allahabad. Detailed information with regard to the schedule of Stage-II examination (Interview) for the above mentioend empanelment shall be available on website by 14 August, 2017. Candidates are advised to visit High Court's website regularly for updated information on Hon'ble Court website i.e. www.allahabadhighcourt.in on the link as given below:
While in
preparing results of shortlisted candidates every care has been taken. However,
inadvertently if any error occurs the court reserves right to rectify the same.