High Court of Judicature at Allahabad

Notice & Result

ADV. No. 01/Class-III/ Class-IV &Contractual ICT/2017 Date: 08.06.2017

Pursuant to the ADV. No. 01/Class-III/ Class-IV & Contractual ICT/2017 dated 08.06.2017, the Stage-I written examinations for Post Code 01 (Personal Assistant) was conducted on 15 July 2017. The Stage-II examination i.e. Stenography Test and Computer Type Test for Personal Assistant (Post Code-01) was conducted on 12.04.2018 & 13.04.2018. On the basis of aggregated marks obtained in Stage-I & Stage-II, the final result of successful candidates for Personal Assistant (Post Code 01) has been declared. The selection and appointment made against the aforementioned posts shall remain subject to the outcome of W.P. No. 60350/2017-Vikas Yadav Vs. Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Allahabad & Another and W.P. No. 63003/2017-Uttam Chandra Dev Vs. Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Allahabad & Another and any others pending before this Hon'ble Court & Hon'ble Apex Court.

Click here to view the final result of candidates declared successful for the post of Personal Assistant (Post Code-01)


1. The candidates should note that the result of the candidates is purely provisional and does not confer on them any right of appointment in Fast Track Courts and Additional Courts unless they are suitable in all respects and verification of documents and genuineness of the candidature is verified.

2. All original documents/testimonials of the candidates will be verified in the District allotted for appointment by the District Judges/Appointing Authority of the concerned Judgeship before appointment. The detailed information with regard to district allotted to the candidates shall be uploaded on the official website of High Court in due course of time.

3. The selected candidates are required to be present on the date and venue, prescribed by the District Judges/ Appointing Authority of the District allotted to them, for the verification of original documents/certificates. Selected candidates will have to undergo for medical examination as per provisions contained in The Uttar Pradesh State District Court Service Rules, 2013.

4. A contract of service will be signed between the concerned District Judge and the selected candidates.

5. The appointment may be extended from time to time as per rules but shall not exceed 31st of March 2020.

6. No representation/correspondence from the selected candidates shall be entertained by the High Court with regard to the appointment. However in case of any grievance, the selected candidates may submit their representations before the District Judges/ Appointing Authority of the concerned Judgeship.

7. After publication of notice on the official website of Hon'ble High Court with regard to allotment of district to the successful candidates, if they don't receive call letters issued by the Appointing Authority of the concerned offered judgeship, they should contact office of the concerned District Judgeship.

8. Marks obtained by the successful/unsuccessful candidates shall be uploaded on the official website of High Court, Allahabad, later on.

9. Although all care have been taken in preparing the result, however, if any typographical error/omission is occurred inadvertently, High Court reserves the right to rectify the same.

10. Candidates are advised to visit High Court's official website (www.allahabadhighcourt.in) regularly for updated information.



