No.8502/Accounts(A-1): Allahabad: Dated: February 2, 2010
In compliance of the Resolution of the Hon'ble Committee comprising Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sunil Ambwani and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dilip Gupta, the Tentative Seniority List is hereby notified (which is available in the Establishment Section of this Hon'ble Court) and objections against the same, if any, are invited within a month.
General Office Cadre |
Registrar |
Joint Registrar | |
Deputy Registrar | |
Assistant Registrar | |
Section Officer | |
Section Officer (Cash) | |
P.R.O. | |
Nazir | |
Review Officer | |
Assistant Review Officer | |
Routine Grade Clerk | |
Telephone Operator | |
Librarian | |
Dy. Librarian | |
Drivers | |
P.S./P.A. Cadre |
Private Secretary/Personal Assistant |
B.S. Cadre |
Bench Secretary |
Computer Cadre |
Incharge Computer Centre |
Systems Analyst | |
Console Operator | |
Modified Seniority Lists (List-A, List-B, List-C and List-D) in the matter of R.G.C.-Typist in compliance of order of Hon'ble Court dated 28.05.1998 passed in W.P. No.20662 of 1994 and direction given in Contempt Petition No.3984 of 2008 and in view of order of Hon'ble The Chief Justice dated 04.02.2010 |
List-A | |
List-B | |
List-C | |
List-D |