Applications on the prescribed form are invited from the practicing advocates of this Court for appointment as Oath Commissioner for the year 2015. The last date for submission of duly filled in application forms would be 04.11.2014. The format of application can be obtained on the Website or from Bar Association/Advocate Association Allahabad/ Oudh Bar Association/Oudh Advocates Association Lucknow. The following norms have been fixed by Hon'ble the Chief Justice for appointment of Non Official Oath Commissioner for the year 2015:
All the Advocates having minimum one year practice and maximum ten years practice i. e. who have been enrolled in the Bar Council of U.P. after 31.12.2004 but before 01.01.2014 shall be included in the list subject to the condition laid down in clause no. 2.
Advocates who have been Oath Commissioners for three times shall not be included in the list.
Advocates who are more than 65 years of age shall be included in the list (Only on the production of age Certificate).
Names of the Advocate that were unlisted in the past for any reasons shall not be included.
Advocates, certified by chief Medical Officer to be physically disable to the extent of 40% or more shall be included in the list.
The advocates against whom F.I.R./Complaint has been lodged in the Bar Council of U. P. shall not be appointed as Oath Commissioner.
Advocates who have started practicing after retirement and receiving pension or received post retiral benefits, shall not be included in the list.
Irrespective of the preferences indicated above, Hon’ble the Chief Justice may appoint any person, even if he/she is not an applicant for appointment as Oath Commissioner, whom his Lordship considers fit.
The application form duly filled in and forwarded by the President/ Secretary of the Association concerned to which the applicant is the member must be submitted to the Deputy Registrar (Admin.), IIIrd floor, (Mediation Building) at Allahabad and in the office of the Senior Registrar, High Court Lucknow Bench, Lucknow, on or before 04.11.2014 between 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. Applications received thereafter shall not be entertained. The applicants shall enclose a declaration in the prescribed format and photo copy of Advocate Registration Certificate issued by the Bar Council of U.P.
Membership of the applicant must be verified by the President/Secretary of the Association concerned. No application shall be considered without requisite enclosures and signature of the applicant. Those applications which do not come within the eligibility zone shall not be considered at all.
Note: The applicant advocates fulfilling the above criteria shall only apply for Oath Commissioner.
By order of the Court,
Registrar General
No. 14817/VIID–26Admin. (E-1) Section: Allahabad Dated:15.10.2014.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:-
The Senior Registrar, High Court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow with the request to kindly circulate the notice amongst the advocates practicing in the Lucknow Bench of the Court.
The Secretary, High Court Bar Association, Allahabad.
The Secretary, Advocates Association, High Court, Allahabad.
Notice Board for display.
Deputy Registrar (Admin.)
(For official use only) Form No. …..........
(for the Year 2015)
1. Full Name of applicant: Sri/ Smt./Km.......................................................................................
(In Block Capital Letters)
Affix a Self attested Ticket Size coloured Photograph
2. Full Name of Father/Husband: Sri….....................................................................................
(In case of lady advocate father's and
husband's names must be mentioned) Sri ------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Date of Birth: ….........................................................................................
4. Marital Status: Married/ Unmarried (Tick the relevant)
5. Whether Physically disabled(differently abled)
Senior Citizen ( Enclose photocopy of Certificate) : ...................................................................................
6. Local Address: …............................................................................................
7. Permanent Address: …............................................................................................
8. Mobile/Telephone or Contact Number: …...........................................................................................
9. Enrollment Number & Date of Enrollment .......................................................................................
in Bar Council of U. P.
(Enclose photocopy of Certificate):
10. Chamber no./Place of sitting .........................................................................................
in High Court, Allahabad/ Lucknow:
11. Date of Enrollment in the Bar Association …...............................................................................
/Adv.Asso./ Oudh Bar Association/Oudh Advocate
Association (Encl. Photocopy of Identity Card):
12. Advocate roll no. : …......................................................................................
13. Bank account no. and I.F.S.C. no. : …....................................................................................
14. Past experience as Oath Commissioners: …...........................................................................................
(Mention the Year/Years)
15. Whether started practicing after retirement .....................................................................................
and receiving pension or received post retiral benefits.
Signature of the Applicant
I..................................................................President/Secretary, High Court Bar Association/ Advocate's Association Allahabad / Oudh Bar Association/Oudh Advocate Association, Lucknow verify that the applicant is a bona fide member of the above mentioned Bar Association .
President/ Secretary
Declaration of….............................................................aged about..................................................Years, R/o................................................................................................................................................Applicant)
I, the above named do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:
1. That I, am one of the applicants for appointment as an Oath Commissioner in the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad and is applying through the High Court Bar Association/ Advocates Association Allahabad / Oudh Bar Association / Oudh Advocates Association Lucknow, to which I am a member and a practicing Advocate in the High Court at Allahabad / Lucknow.
2. That I declare that the information furnished in the application for appointment of Non-Official Oath Commissioner are true and correct and nothing is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.
3. That I also declare that I have read the provisions in order XIX CPC as amended by Allahabad High Court and the Rule contained in Chapter IV of Rules of Court, 1952, Volume-I, the conditions prescribed for the Oath Commissioner and will abide by the same.
4. That I declare that no F.I.R./Complaint is lodged against me.
5. That I further declare that in case I am appointed as an Oath Commissioner I will adhere to the
following conditions strictly:-
a. I shall maintain Oath Commissioner's register strictly in accordance with the provisions given in the rule-3 of the Chapter-IV of the Rules of the Court as amended by the order of Hon'ble the Chief Justice dated 10.02.2009 and will do the work of verification of affidavits strictly in accordance with the aforementioned rule.
b. I shall immediately submit the Oath Commissioners register to the Section Officer, Cash after the same is filled up or at the end of the term of Oath Commissioners.
c. I shall charge only that fee for swearing of Affidavits which is prescribed by the Hon'ble Court and will never give my coupons to any other oath commissioner or any body else failing which I will be liable to be permanently denied of the right to practice as Oath Commissioner or any other punishment as the Hon'ble Court may deem fit.
d. I shall maintain proper accounts of the affidavits sworn before me and the amount realized andI will furnish the figures by the 7th day of the succeeding month to the cashier, and will get my registers accounts/ checked by the Section Officer, Cash Section of the Court.
e. I shall be liable to be removed from the list of Oath Commissioner and to such actions as the Hon'ble Court may deem fit in case of default of any of the above conditions.
I, above named do hereby swear and verify that the contents of paragraph no. 1 to 5 of this declaration are true to my personal knowledge. No part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed herein.
So Help Me God.
Signature of Deponent/Applicant