High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
Notice & Result
Pursuant to the Advertisement No. 01/Drivers (C)/2015 dated 18.10.2015 and Advertisement No. 01/Class-IV/2015 dated 18.10.2015, written examinations conducted simultaneously on 20.12.2015 in two sessions. On the basis of written examination (Stage-I), Roll No. wise result of shortlisted candidates has been declared. The result/candidature of shortlisted candidates is purely provisional. Results for the posts of Driver Grade-IV and various Class-IV posts (including the post of Electrician) are here under :-
List of candidates declared successful in Stage-I for the post of Driver Grade-IV (Post Code - 01)
List of candidates declared successful in Stage-I for the post of Electrician (Post Code – 02)
List of candidates declared successful in Stage-I for the various Class-IV posts (Post Code - 03).
Note-1: DL/CL/Sewak having an objection to the marks awarded towards number of working year may file an application supported by documents, regarding objections if any, within 7 days from the declaration of the results.
Note-2: The wieghtage to the DL/CL/Sewak of this Hon'ble Court have been added provisionally subject to the verification of the working period from the Nazarat.
Note-3: Participation in the 2nd Stage of examination would confer no right.
Detailed information with regard to the schedule of Stage-II Test/Examination for the above mentioend posts shall be uploded on the High Court's websites shortly. Candidates are advised to visit High Court's website regularly for updated information.
While in preparing results of shortlisted candidates every care has been taken. However, invertently if any error occurs the court reserves right to rectify the same.