Internal Committee


In compliance of Section 4(1) of the ‘Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013’, the Internal Committee was constituted in this High Court vide order dated 16.12.2013 of Hon’ble the Chief Justice, to inquire into complaints of sexual harassment of women at the work places of Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Allahabad and its Bench at Lucknow. The Committee conducts its proceedings as per the Rules laid down under the ‘Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013’. The Committee looks into the complaints of sexual harassment of women at workplace against the officers/ employees and Advocates of the High Court and Judicial Officers of the U.P. Judiciary.

At present, the Internal Committee of the Hon’ble High Court consists of the following 07 Members, which includes 03 lady Judges and one retired lady Professor of the University of Allahabad committed to the cause of women:-
1. Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Sangeeta Chandra, Chairperson
2. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jaspreet Singh
3. Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Manju Rani Chauhan
4. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Om Prakash Shukla
5. Hon'ble Ms. Justice Nand Prabha Shukla
6. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Vinod Diwakar
7. Prof. Dr. Sumita Parmar (Retd.), Former Director, Centre for Women's Studies, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj.

The Hon'ble Internal Committee is being assisted by Sri Nirmal Chandra Semwal, Registrar(J)(Confidential), High court, Allahabad as Presenting Officer and by Sri Manoj Pandey, Registrar(J)(Stationery), High Court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow as Co-Presenting Officer.

What is Sexual Harassment?

According to the Section 2 (n) of Chapter I of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, “Sexual Harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication) namely-

(i) physical contact and advances; or
(ii) a demand or request for sexual favours; or
(iii) making sexually coloured remarks; or
(iv) showing pornography; or
(v) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature;

The following circumstances, if present in relation to any behaviour of sexual harassment, may amount to sexual harassment:-
(i) implied or explicit promise/ threat of preferential/ detrimental treatment in her present or future employment; or
(ii) interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her; or
(iii) humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.

Where and how can the complaints be filed?

  • Any aggrieved woman, or on account of her physical or mental incapacity or death or otherwise, her legal heir or such other person as may be prescribed, may make, in writing, a complaint of Sexual harassment at workplace within a period of three months from the date of incident or in case of a series of incidents, within a period of three months from the date of last incident. Provided that the Committee may extend the time limit not exceeding three months, under special circumstances.
  • The Presiding Officer or any member of the Internal Committee shall render all reasonable assistance to the woman for making the complaint in writing.
  • At the time of filing the complaint, the complainant shall submit six copies of the complaint along with supporting documents and the names and addresses of the witnesses.
  • Such complaints may be addressed to Hon’ble the Chief Justice/ Hon’ble the Chairperson, Internal Committee/ Ld. Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad/ Ld. Senior Registrar(J)(Confidential), High Court, Allahabad.
  • Complaints of sexual harassment at workplace may also be mailed to the following email ids:- po.icc@allahabadhighcourt.in or internalcomplaints.section@allahabadhighcourt.in
  • Such complaints may be put in the complaint boxes placed at the following places of the High Court premises at Allahabad & Lucknow:-

    At Allahabad

    Sl.No. Box No. Place of installation



    Outside the office of Ld. Registrar General



    Protocol office



    Employees’ canteen



    Behind reception desk of C.I.T. Building



    Mediation Centre



    Advocates’ Canteen



    Outside the Canteen at 2nd floor in 20 Chambers-30 Courtroom Building (near Court no. 83)



    Near Court No. 34



    In front of Advocates Association Building



    Junction point of corridors of mediation building and stationery building



    Entry Point of advocates near post office



    Outside the Stamp Reporter Criminal Section near escalator



    Near the lift at ground floor in Stationery Building



    Near the lift on ground floor of New Annexe Building

    At Lucknow


    Place of installation


    Outside the office of the Senior Registrar, Lucknow


    Protocol Office


    Employees’ Canteen


    Advocates’ Canteen


    Lobby near the Escalator


    Ground Floor of Main Building

    Near Hall No.-1 & CCTV Control Room

    In between the Gallery of Hall No.3-10


    First Floor of Main Building

    In front of Women’s Washroom near Chamber No.118


    Second Floor of Main Building

    Near Private Secretary Room


    Ground Floor of Judicial Block

    Gallery between Mediation and Copying Manual


    Third Floor of Judicial Block

    Gallery between Paper Book and Supreme Court Sections


    Ground Floor of AG Block A, B & C

    Gallery of Block B at First Floor outside Hall for Lady Advocates


    Ground Floor of High Court Dispensary

    Inside the Dispensary close to the entrance gate

Manner of inquiry into the complaint

  • Rule 7(1) - At the time of filing the complaint, the complainant shall submit six copies of the complaint along with supporting documents and the names and the addresses of the witnesses.
  • Rule 7(2) - On receipt of the complaint, the Committee shall send one of the copies received from the aggrieved woman under sub-rule (1) to the respondent within a period of seven working days.
  • Rule 7(3) - The respondent shall file his reply to the complaint along with his list of documents, and names and addresses of witnesses, within a period not exceeding ten working days from the date of receipt of the documents specified under sub-rule (1).
  • Rule 7(4) - The Committee shall make inquiry into the complaint in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
  • Rule 7(5) - The Committee shall have the right to terminate the inquiry proceedings or to give an ex-parte decision on the complaint, if the complainant or respondent fails, without sufficient cause, to present herself or himself for three consecutive hearings convened by the Chairperson or Presiding Officer, as the case may be:
      Provided that such termination or ex-parte order may not be passed without giving a notice in writing, fifteen days in advance, to the party concerned.
  • Rule 7(6) - The parties shall not be allowed to bring in any legal practitioner to represent them in their case at any stage of the proceedings before the Committee.
  • Rule 7(7) - In conducting the inquiry, a minimum of three Members of the Committee including the Presiding Officer or the Chairperson, as the case may be, shall be present.
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (English)
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (Hindi)
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013

Punishment for complaints of sexual harassment at workplace

  • If the allegations are proved, the Committee shall recommend to the employer to take any action including a written apology, warning, reprimand or censure, withholding of promotion, withholding of pay rise or increments, terminating the respondent from service or undergoing a counselling session or carrying out community service.
  • If the allegations are found to be malicious or false/ forged/ misleading, action may be taken against the complainant, provided that the malicious intent shall be established after an enquiry and a mere inability to substantiate the complaint need not attract action.

Duties of employer

  • provide safe working environment at the workplace.
  • provide assistance to the woman if she so chooses to file a complaint in relation to the offence under the I.P.C. (45 of 1860) or any other law for the time being in force.
  • Treat sexual harassment as a misconduct under the service rules and initiate action for such misconduct.

Where can the complaints be filed?

  • Such complaints may be sent to Hon’ble the Chief Justice or Learned Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad.
  • Complaints of sexual harassment at workplace may also be mailed to the following email ids:-
  • Such complaints may be put in the complaint boxes placed at the following places of the High Court premises at Allahabad & Lucknow:-

    At Allahabad

    Sl.No. Box No. Place of installation



    Outside the office of Ld. Registrar General



    Protocol office



    Employees’ canteen



    Behind reception desk of C.I.T. Building



    Mediation Centre



    Advocates’ Canteen



    Outside the Canteen at 2nd floor in 20 Chambers-30 Courtroom Building (near Court no. 83)



    Near Court No. 34



    In front of Advocates Association Building



    Junction point of corridors of mediation building and stationery building



    Entry Point of advocates near post office



    Outside the Stamp Reporter Criminal Section near escalator



    Near the lift at ground floor in Stationery Building



    Near the lift on ground floor of New Annexe Building

    At Lucknow


    Place of installation


    Outside the office of the Senior Registrar, Lucknow


    Protocol Office


    Employees’ Canteen


    Advocates’ Canteen


    Lobby near the Escalator


    Ground Floor of Main Building

    Near Hall No.-1 & CCTV Control Room

    In between the Gallery of Hall No.3-10


    First Floor of Main Building

    In front of Women’s Washroom near Chamber No.118


    Second Floor of Main Building

    Near Private Secretary Room


    Ground Floor of Judicial Block

    Gallery between Mediation and Copying Manual


    Third Floor of Judicial Block

    Gallery between Paper Book and Supreme Court Sections


    Ground Floor of AG Block A, B & C

    Gallery of Block B at First Floor outside Hall for Lady Advocates


    Ground Floor of High Court Dispensary

    Inside the Dispensary close to the entrance gate


(i) Sri Abhinesh Chaddha, Deputy Registrar, Complaints Cell (8004905583)
(ii) Ms Tashmeem, Assistant Registrar, Complaints Cell (8004906074)
(iii) Complaints Cell: 05322422335 (5058)
(iv) Email ids: po.icc@allahabadhighcourt.in & internalcomplaints.section@allahabadhighcourt.in

Activities to create awareness at the workplace

1. In 2019, pamphlets were printed and circulated in the High Court, Allahabad, it's Bench at Lucknow and the District Judiciary of the State of Uttar Pradesh.
2. The following awareness campaigns were carried out by the Committee in the calendar year 2022:-

  • A one day Gender Sensitization workshop was organized on 09th April 2022 for 25 Judicial officers/ officers of office-cadre posted in High Court.
  • 26 Complaint boxes (14 at High Court, Allahabad and 12 at High Court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow) were installed in the Court premises for providing smooth facility to the complainants to file such complaints.
  • 20 Flex boards (15 at High Court, Allahabad and 05 at High Court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow) displaying important information (in English) regarding the Sexual Harassment Act were installed in the Court premises.
  • 51 Sanitary pad Dispensers (28 at High Court, Allahabad and 23 at High Court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow) were installed in female washrooms in the Court premises at Allahabad and Lucknow.
3. In 2023, Desk calendars were designed as part of the awareness programme for sensitization on gender issues, using 12 exceptionally good posters on gender issues from posters/ drawings made by the participants of the ‘Drawing and Colouring workshop’ on the theme ‘EXPRESSIONS’ organised by the High Court for children of Officers/ Officials/ employees of the Allahabad High Court in the age group of 6-16 years. These calendars were sent to the Hon’ble Judges of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, Hon’ble Chief Justices of all the High Courts of India, Hon’ble Judges of this Court, Chairpersons of the Hon’ble Internal Committee of all other High Courts in India, Registrar General and Judicial Officers posted on deputation in the High Court, District Judges of all the districts of U.P.; Principal Judges and Additional Principal Judges, Family Court of all the districts of U.P.; Member Secretary, State Legal Services Authority; Secretary, District Legal Services Authority of all the districts of U.P.; Registrars of office cadre posted in the High Court, Allahabad, the sections of the High Court at Allahabad and its Bench at Lucknow, Guest houses of High Court at Allahabad and its Bench at Lucknow, Judicial Training and Research Institute, Lucknow; High Court Museum along with some other eminent persons.

Points to be kept in mind

  • The High Court has a “zero tolerance policy” for Sexual harassment of women at workplace.
  • The proceedings under this Act are kept highly confidential.