Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arun Kumar Singh Deshwal 


Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arun Kumar Singh Deshwal 
Administrative Judge for the District: Shamli



Date of Birth


Initial Joining


Joining at Allahabad


Date of Retirement


  • His Lordship was born on 7th July, 1973 in Village Kailbakri, District Amroha.
  • Studied in GIC, Bijnor and Graduated in Science from Vardhman College, Bijnor and thereafter obtained his LL.B degree from Campus Law Centre, Delhi University.
  • His Lordship thereafter enrolled as Trainee Advocate with Bar Council of U.P. in 1998 and thereafter enrolled as Advocate with Bar Council of U.P. in 1999 and started practising at Allahabad High Court under the guidance of Mr. Naveen Sinha, Senior Advocate.
  • His Lordship mainly practised Civil, Criminal, Revenue, Constitutional Matters, Service Matters, Company Matters, Arbitration, Society Matters etc. Remained panel lawyer of Meerut Development Authority, Moradabad Development Authority, U.P. Co-operative Federation Ltd., Rohilkhand University, Sarva U.P. Gramin Bank.
  • His Lordship remained General Secretary of Advocates' Association, High Court, Allahabad during 2016-17.
  • He had also nominated as President, Lions Club (Bharadwaj) Allahabad in 2008-09 and thereafter President of Lions Club (Ashok), Prayagraj in 2018-19.
  • His Lordship organized various events at Allahabad High Court including Cricket tournaments, short Play titled as 'Mukadma hone wala hai' written & directed by Lordship during Sesquicentennial celebration of High Court Allahabad.
  • His Lordship worked as Chief Editor of Magazine 'Expression (2007 and 2017)' published by Advocates' Association, High Court Allahabad and gave pro bono service as panel lawyer of Allahabad High Court Legal Aid Committee.
  • His Lordship had also written various articles on prevailing social and legal issues and deeply interested in social service, books reading.
  • Took oath as Additional Judge on February 27, 2023 and the first person from District-Amroha who became a Judge of High Court. Took oath as Permanent Judge on August 23, 2024.

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