Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arvind Singh Sangwan 


Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arvind Singh Sangwan 



Date of Birth


Initial Joining


Joining at Allahabad


Served at Allahabad Upto


  • Born on 23.12.1962, His Lordship did schooling from D.A.V Higher Secondary School Karnal and B.A. from Dayal Singh College Karnal. After doing LL.B from Kurukshetra University, in 1984, His Lordship started practice at District Courts Kurukshetra on civil and revenue side under the able and worthy guidance of his father Late Ch Chander Mani, Advocate who was one of top leading Civil Lawyer since 1952.
  • In practice His Lordship handled all types of Civil suits, Civil appeals, MACT cases, HMA cases, Land Acquisition cases, and few criminal trials as well. After his appointment as an Assistant Advocate General Haryana, His Lordship shifted to Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh in 1989 and later became Deputy Advocate General in 1990.
  • In March 1991, His Lordship resumed private practice in civil, revenue and criminal side and while in active practice, handling more than 200 new cases every year. He was standing counsel for The Haryana State Election Commission since 2004, other Boards, Corporations, and Education Institutions and represented various Panchayati Raj Institutions of Haryana. His lordship contested important civil and criminal cases, writ petitions pertaining to service, co-operative, and revenue cases and appeals arising out of Motor Accident cases, Matrimonial Cases and Land Acquisition cases. His lordship continuously provided legal training to two or three associate junior lawyers at a time to enable them to establish in profession. His Lordship's father was also an active social worker and was founder member of 2 D.A.V Education Institutions and an Orphanage at Karnal.
  • His Lordship was elevated as Additional Judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court on 10.7.2017 and sworn in as Permanent Judge on December 03, 2018.
  • Transferred to Allahabad High Court on November 02, 2023