Web Diary Events

List of Notification/Order/Notice other than -Transfer/Appointment/for appearance in the Court
SL Description Date
16281. Notice regarding willingness of Judicial Officer to do the classification work at Lucknow Bench in the month of August 2014  PDF  23/07/2014
16282. Notice regarding camp for preparation of Aadhar Cards at High Court, Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC HTML 03/07/2014
16283. Notice regarding extension of date for submission of Cause List Tender Forms for the year 2014  ODT PDF DOC HTML 29/05/2014
16284. Notice regarding panel of Advocates to serve as Amicus Curaie at High Court  ODT PDF DOC  29/05/2014
16285. Gradiation list of class III /P.A. at Ghaziabad Judgeship  PDF  28/05/2014
16286. Cases fixed for Lok Adalat Dated 26-05-2014  ODT PDF DOC HTML 23/05/2014
16287. Corrigendum Notice in the matter of preparation of Roll of Advocates at Allahabad  HTML 14/05/2014
16288. Notice regarding Authority Letter for treatment under Revolving Fund  ODT PDF DOC HTML 14/05/2014
16289. List of Advocates included in Roll of Advocates at Allahabad with reference to notice dated 19-02-14  HTML 12/05/2014
16290. Notice for removal of defects in applications for preparation of Roll of Advocates at Allahabad with reference to notice dated 19-02-14  HTML 12/05/2014
16291. Gradation List of Class IV as on 01-01-14 in Ghaziabad Judgeship  PDF  06/05/2014
16292. Notice for extension of last date for submission of Cause List Tender Forms  ODT PDF DOC HTML 03/05/2014
16293. Notice for cause list dated 05.05.2014, which will be distributed on 03.05.2014  ODT PDF DOC  01/05/2014
16294. Addl. Cause List for Mega Lok Adalat on 12-04-2014 at Allahabad  PDF  11/04/2014
16295. Cases fixed for Mega Lok Adalat Dated 12-04-2014  ODT PDF DOC HTML 09/04/2014
16296. Notice under Negotiable Instrument Act 1881  PDF  07/04/2014
16297. Notice /Cause List for Mega Lok Adalat on 12-04-2014 at Allahabad  PDF  05/04/2014
16298. Notice for sitting of the Court in place of Mar 19, 2014  PDF  04/04/2014
16299. Nomination of Hon'ble Judges as Administrative Judge  PDF  28/03/2014
16300. Short-Term Quotation for supply of books at High Court, Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC  27/03/2014
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