Web Diary Events

List of Notification/Order/Notice other than -Transfer/Appointment/for appearance in the Court
SL Description Date
16341. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. Public Service Commission Allahabad and others-letter of Registrar to all District Judges  PDF  03/11/2012
16342. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. Public Service Commission Allahabad and others-letter of Registrar to Joint Registrar (Services)  PDF  03/11/2012
16343. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. Public Service Commission Allahabad and others-letter of Registrar to Registrar General  PDF  03/11/2012
16344. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. PSC Allahabad and others- copy of notices  PDF  02/11/2012
16345. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. Public Service Commission Allahabad and others-copy of W.P.  PDF  02/11/2012
16346. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. Public Service Commission Allahabad and others-order dt. 11 Oct 2012  PDF  02/11/2012
16347. Press Note relating to Interview of Court Manager  PDF  05/10/2012
16348. Notice for appointment of Oath Commissioner -2013  ODT PDF DOC  06/09/2012
16349. Gradation LIst of Class-IV Employees of Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court  PDF HTML 17/07/2012
16350. Notice dated 15-05-2012 rearding rolls of Advocates practicing in the High Court Lucknow Bench Lucknow  ODT PDF DOC HTML 15/05/2012
16351. Notice of extension for registration on the Rolls of Advocates of High Court, Allahabad  ODT PDF HTML 04/05/2012
16352. Admissible limit of rate for engagement of sewaks for Hon'ble Former Chief Justices and Hon'ble Former Judges  PDF  13/04/2012
16353. Gradation List of Employess of High Court Allahabad as on April 2012  HTML 12/04/2012
16354. Notice for the post of Presiding Officer in Industrial Tribunal/ Labour Courts, Uttar Pradesh  ODT PDF HTML 11/04/2012
16355. Notice for auction of Staff Cars  ODT PDF DOC HTML 10/04/2012
16356. Nomination of Hon'ble Judges as Administrative Judge  ODT PDF  02/04/2012
16357. Rolls of Advocates practicing in the High Court Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC HTML 20/03/2012
16358. Notice and Proforma for registration on the Rolls of Advocates of High Court, Allahabad  ODT PDF  14/03/2012
16359. Gradation LIst of Class-IV Employees of Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court  PDF HTML 18/02/2012
16360. Gradation-Seniority List of Class-IV employees of High Court, Allahabad  PDF  20/09/2011
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