Web Diary Events

List of Notification/Order/Notice other than -Transfer/Appointment/for appearance in the Court
SL Description Date
16321. Notice for Roll of Advocates [Part-B] at Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC  24/07/2013
16322. Notice for extension of date for Roll of Advocates [Part-B] at Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC  22/07/2013
16323. Notice for extension of date for Roll of Advocates [Part-B] at Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC  18/07/2013
16324. Notice of extension for registration on the Rolls of Advocates at Allahabad  ODT PDF  17/07/2013
16325. Notice - Roll of Advocates at Allahabad  PDF  09/07/2013
16326. Notice for Roll of Advocates [Part-B] at Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC  29/06/2013
16327. Notice with regard to First List of defective application form for Roll of Advocates [Part-B] at Lucknow Bench  ODT PDF DOC  29/06/2013
16328. List of defective application forms - Roll of Advocates at Lucknow (as on 28.06.2013)  HTML 28/06/2013
16329. Notice for fresh registration on Roll of Advocates at Allahabad  PDF  01/06/2013
16330. Notice - Roll of Advocates at Allahabad  PDF HTML 27/05/2013
16331. Notice for consent of Retd. Honble Judges of Honble High Court, Retd. District Judges and Retd. Addl. District Judges who are residing at Lucknow for participating the mediation process as Mediator in the Mediation & Conciliation Centre, High Court,Lko  ODT PDF DOC HTML 08/05/2013
16332. Nomination of Hon.Judges as Administrative Judge w.e.f. April 1, 2013  ODT PDF DOC  01/04/2013
16333. List of defective application forms - Roll of Advocates at Allahabad  HTML 04/03/2013
16334. Notice - Roll of Advocates at Lucknow  HTML 21/02/2013
16335. Roll of Advocates  HTML 18/02/2013
16336. Declaration of holiday  PDF  08/02/2013
16337. Notice for removal of defects in application forms for preparation of Rolls of Advocates at Allahabad  HTML 01/02/2013
16338. Gradation List of Employess of High Court Allahabad as on January 2013  HTML 22/01/2013
16339. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. Public Service Commission Allahabad and others-letter of Registrar to all District Judges  PDF  03/11/2012
16340. W.P. No.303 (S/B) 2011 - Avinash Chandra & others Vs. U.P. Public Service Commission Allahabad and others-letter of Registrar to Joint Registrar (Services)  PDF  03/11/2012
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